Luxury Ceramics VirtueMart Template

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shoppingBag Sales: 89

Created: May 18, 2015

Updated: May 18, 2015

ID: 53948

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When it comes to home redesign, we are only looking for top class materials that would combine style with quality. Selecting the given theme for setting up or refreshing your ceramic store, you will be able to provide your clients with a trustworthy place to shop materials without leaving their PC. Refined style can be seen in every element of this design - from the large home page slider with intriguing ghost buttons to thematic backgrounds and pleasant to the eye color scheme. Users wont have to spend much time on looking for the necessary products owing to a handy series of tiling blocks that fill the page. Keep people in the loop of the latest design trends and give them an opportunity to order premium quality ceramics from your online store.

4 Reviews for this product

Grafica molto completa. Permette di avere un doppio menu già configurato.
Overall a nice template with many features. Relatively easy to modify.
AWESOME template for Joomla and Virtuemart. Very simple to administrate but also efficient for professional jobs. This is the first time I purchase a product and I am very satisfied with the support
Наши клиент купили себе сайт, но без навыков сами его переоформить не смогли (довести до ума). Наша организация не работает с чужими разработками, предложили клиенту сделать всё с нуля. Требовался шаблон интернет-магазина с более-менее темным оформлением. С Templatemonster мы работаем с 2009 года. Поскольку это очень удобный ресурс, за 2—3 часа серфинга по страницам можно выбрать с десяток вариантов шаблонов, из которых клиент, в итоге, выберет себе подходящее. Работа с шаблонами очень удобна! Меняй, заменяй, удаляй не нужное, добавляй собственное и всё! К примеру, этот шаблон пошел как интернет-магазин для продажи электронных сигарет. В настоящий момент сайт находится на тестовом сервере. Техническая поддержка всегда выручала, — оперативно, ведь иногда все-таки требуется устранение ошибок или подсказка. С благодарностью, ООО Комфорт

2 Comments for this product

The product description in the product detail page doesn't show up on mobile devices.
Hello AIMILIOS ANT. POL. P. Thank you for question. We have created a ticket #NWQ-800-97249 at your request and our senior technicians will gladly check this issue for you and email you back with solution. You can also join our live chat at to get immediate assistance. Regards, JJ Blackstone
For the online store, could I get mexican pesos as currency?
Hello, Eduardo! Thank you for your question. You will be able to change currency via admin panel. For more details please join our live chat at Have a nice day!

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2.9 /5
Support rating (53 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 22 4 1 3 2 2 3 1 25
Response Time: Slow This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
