Aikra - Responsiv MultiPurpose Joomla 5-mall

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shoppingBag Försäljning: 21

Created: 19 apr. 2019

Updated: 8 nov. 2023

ID: 79895

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Aikra - Responsiv MultiPurpose Joomla 5-mall - Features Image 1


Version 2.2 (03 Nov 2023)

UPDATED Sp Page Builder Pro to the latest 5. X Version UPDATED Joomla Latest Version 5. X

Version 2.1 (27 June 2023)

UPDATED Sp Page Builder Pro to latest 3.X Version

Version 2.0 (10 Feb 2023)

ADDED Joomla 4, Helix Ultimate 2 Compatibility FIXED Some minor bugs for browser compatibility FIXED Some minor bugs for responsive REMOVED J2Store Component (Only for Joomla 4) UPDATED FontAwesome to Latest Version UPDATED Bootstrap to Latest Version UPDATED Improvements in CSS and JS

2 Reviews for this product

I bought the Aikra template because it is multipurpose and has several customization elements. Through SP Page Builder you can drag elements that make it easier for us to build our website, at least for people who are not developers. In design, it maintains a modern and very aesthetic line. I liked the ease of making changes to the main slider, unlike other templates. To improve it I would include a more detailed installation tutorial.
Hello, Thanks for purchase joomlastars joomla templates, I appreciate your comment and rating for template, you can ask to support if need more help. If you can update rating five stars it would be great :)
The second level of navigation in the mobile view is completely grayed out. Asked where I can make this change and I had to go into the css to make it legible. And I was provided with the wrong folder to edit the CSS. Overall not happy with this support or template. Will not purchase again.

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Support rating (52 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 41 4 2 3 1 2 1 1 7
Response Time: Fast This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
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