Toys Store PrestaShop Theme

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shoppingBag Sales: 191

Created: Sep 7, 2015

Updated: Sep 7, 2015

ID: 55581

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This toys store theme with parallax effect sends us back to the wonderful world of childhood. Its bright, juicy colors delight the eye. Happy kids' faces lift up parents' mood. Toy Shop PrestaShop Theme is designed in trendy material style, which is really appropriate here. Products come with star rating, stickers and quick view function. Store customers testimonials can be read at the bottom of the page.

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This Games PrestaShop template is Search Engine Friendly

What is it?

Any time a internet user types anything at all to the research bar, the google search seeks it in accordance with many guidelines. Search Engine Friendly template's code is definitely especially obvious and organized to try to make Website seo work more straightforward.

Why is it Good?

The Search engine ready design ensures that the website will be properly indexed and positioned higher by Google.

View latest Search Engine Friendly PrestaShop themes here

This is Entertainment PrestaShop template with Sample Data Installer

What is it?

WordPress themes with sample data installer allow to insert sample files to the template without difficulty.

Why is it Good?

Sample Data Installer helps you to set up a web template quite easily and inspect how your web page will look like before it's done as required.

Newest Sample Data Installer PrestaShop themes here

This Kids Toys Store PrestaShop ecommerce template is Responsive

What is it?

Responsive design is a method of website design that lets web pages to adapt to a screen resolution of any kind of gadget - whether it's a desktop pc, a tablet or a smartphone.

Why is it Good?

Responsive design provides a much better user experience for those that surf a website on a mobile phone or a tablet, and on top of that helps to raise rankings of a website in Google search.

Click for more Responsive PrestaShop templates here

This is a Parallax Toy Shop PrestaShop ecommerce theme

What is it?

Parallax is a CSS animation effect that allows background elements move slower than the front content. It is one of the most sophisticated tendencies in the modern website design.

Why is it Good?

It makes a vivid effect on the customer, and thus encouraging a large target audience and requiring customers to stay on the website. It's actually a fantastic way to add a highlight to a one-page website, restore an infographic, tell a story or display a portfolio.

View more Parallax PrestaShop design templates here

This is Entertainment Games PrestaShop template with On-line chat functionality

What is it?

On-line chat allows you to connect with the customers real-time.

Why is it Good?

When integrating online chat inside your web site, you boost the possibilities that you could be able to establish a better network with your potential clients, and as a result giving an enhanced UX on your web site.

Find fresh On-line chat PrestaShop themes here

8 Reviews for this product

Szablon prosty a zarazem oferuje to co potrzebne. Treść przejrzysta, wszystko działa intuicyjnie. Posiada wszystkie potrzebne elementy funkcjonalności do rozpoczęcia sprzedaży. Oczywiście trzeba potem dokupić kilka modułów, ale za tą cenę nie wykonacie podobnej strony na zlecenie w firmie projektowej IT. Dodatkowo zestaw grafiki w formacie PSD. Warto także zapisać się do subskrypcji aby otrzymywać dodatkowe bonusy wysyłane przez firmę. Pozwolą na pewno na szybszy rozwój twojej strony.
Celý proces prebehol hladko. Nastal pri inšatlácii malý problém, ale v spolupráci so supportom sme to rýchlo vyriešili.
Bardzo ciekawy szablon do którego są dołączone niestandardowe moduły. Łatwy do automatycznej instalacji, jednak większość klientów będzie zmuszona do korzystania z ręcznej instalacji ze względu na możliwości hostingu jakie oferuje większość usługodawców. Ręczne dostosowanie szablonu do tego co widzimy z przykładowymi danymi jest trudne.
I recently bought this template I bought it for a client that has a toy store. I am going to start and tell again how awesome are the templates from template monster. This template was perfect for this client he kept the beautiful colors of the home page too. That’s awesome it means that I got for him the very best template I could. The factors that I have when I choose a template are a lot. I am going to write the same first factor. So the first one is that is from template monster smile but it’s true. Templates from template mosnter are clean and simple and it’s very important for me. This means that the message you give is fast and clear to the people that are visiting the eshop. Its very important to say to the people that visiting the eshop what you do and how you do it very fast. In this way you can sell items and in this case toys very fast. The second reason I choose this template is for the perfect colors and the slider. Big images with the possibility to link them with toys to sell. Perfect colors for the moms and the children’s means more time to spend in the eshop and more money to spend. That was what my client wanted from the beginning to sell a lot of toys and fast I couldn’t ask for more from template monster. The third reason I choose the template is for the Latest news module in the home page. My client brings every week new toys so he wanted a way to post them and to tell the people that this is new. That was another reason to get the template because my client was asking for this to. So i totally put a smile to my client face and hear the very best from him. I what to talk about me a little. I am a web designer and I make websites for living. I don’t know any think about coding, html, css. But thanks to template monster I can provide for my family. I can tell you a lot for choosing a template from template monster the really work very good but the most important reason to trust template monster is the support the provide. It is more
Es una plantilla muy colorida y alegre ideal para una tienda infantil, el diseño es hermoso y “limpio” Es muy interactiva y sencilla de navegar para el visitante, ademas se ve fantastica desde dispositivos moviles pues es responsive Soy diseñador web, pero nunca habia usado prestashop, esta es la primera tienda virtual que construyo y me ha sido muy sencilla e intuitiva para la empresa de un cliente que vende productos educativos para niños, a mi cliente le gusto muchisimo el diseño desde que lo vio por primera vez. Es recomendable tanto para el experto en prestashop como para el novato como yo, estoy completamente satisfecho con las compras que he hecho en template monster, el soporte y ayuda tecnica es excelente, siempre me han ayudado a personalizar las plantillas y solucionar fallas tecnicas que se me han presentado

3 Comments for this product

Hello! Is this template compatible with Prestashop 1.7.8? Or it is just compatible with ?
The scroll Down & Up work only on the side bar ? Or it's a issue in demo mode ?
Hello, Mihalache. Thank you for your comment. We are sorry, that you've faced difficulties with the demo of this template. It is a temporary issue, we will fix it as soon as possible. Best Regards, Greg Brady
What do I get exactly when I pay for installation?
Thank you for your question. With installation service techs will instal PrestaShop and the template with sample data on your hosting server. So you will have the template like you can see it on live demo.

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4.1 /5
Support rating (276 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 201 4 12 3 6 2 6 1 51
Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
