WorthWhile Consulting PPT Design PowerPoint sablon

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WorthWhile Consulting PPT Design PowerPoint sablon

Created: 2018. jan. 9.

Updated: 2018. jan. 9.

ID: 66801

Változási napló

WorthWhile v. 3.0 (24 January 2019): 20 new unique slides were added: infographics, charts and diagrams. WorthWhile v. 2.0 (3 October 2018): 9 color schemes were added. WorthWhile v. 1.1 (18 July 2018): 7 unique Comparison Maps slides were added. These designs will help you to make a detailed business comparison based on demographics.

4 Reviews for this product

A decent deck as a plug and play pitch, but lacks depth in tools/templates for strategic deliverables.
Template is good as an starting point. You save a good number of hours of pre-work
Love the clean, modern design of this template, perfect for my school project! I am sure, the best PPT will present my project in the best way.
A great design, nice layout, and variety of formats with attractive colors

0 Comments for this product

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