Night Club Joomla sablon
og体育首页ONE - Korlátlan Letöltések $12.40/hó

Változási napló
Update (January 09, 2019): - Updated Joomla to version 3.9.1; - FIX: minor bugs.
8 Reviews for this product
Nice template... easy to use and seems to be really good responding to the iPad format.
Шаблон устанавливается только на PHP 5.3, но потом работает и на PHP 5.6. Пришлось повозиться, пока поняли это. Но дело даже не в этом. Версия Joomla 3.1.1 и никак не обновляется - вылетает в ошибку 500. Шаблон 2013 года, в общем, я покупкой не очень доволен.
Данная проблема относится к версии Joomla движка с которой идет шаблон. Вы можете ее обновить вручную используя данную инструкцию:
This template is outstanding in that it can be transformed to fit any entertainment type business ranging from a local sports bar to a night club in the heart of the city. The instructions for installation are easy to follow and the customer service was prompt in answering any questions i had. The template comes with an elaborate modules configuration map that shows all components and how to configure them. I would highly recommend it.
I just purchase a wonderfull template for a customer who want to sell events. This template is very easy to install and Templateog体育首页 gave me a lot of bonus with it so I can customize the website as I want. The documentation is very clear and I don't need to search too much to do something. Moreover, the chat is open each time I come to the website so I can ask for help. Even if it's late, I can find anyone to help. It's a very professionnal, nice service and security. I will come back to purchase others templetes here because you make very good job!!
Sorry for my bad english, I come from a french country.
Great !! Thanks a lot.
The best templates, everything working. great. Thank you
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