Tema de Shopify para tienda de juguetes y niños para bebés pequeños

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shoppingBag Ventas: 46


Creado: 27 feb 2019

Actualizado: 1 nov 2024

identificación: 78278

og体育首页ONE - Descargas ilimitadas por $12.40USD/mes

480k artículos | Uso comercial License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Apoyo Suscribirse y descargarlo  GRATIS
Tema de Shopify para tienda de juguetes y niños para bebés pequeños - Características Imagen 1

Little Baby Kids & Toystore es un tema de Shopify bellamente diseñado con un diseño llamativo y módulos innovadores. El tema se puede adaptar fácilmente a sus tiendas Shopify existentes. El tema crea un ambiente como el de una tienda infantil en vivo que atraería más compradores a su tienda y aumentaría sus ventas. El tema ofrece fácil personalización y cambios. Todas las secciones se crean y modifican desde el panel de administrador.

Caracteristicas basicas :

  • No se requieren habilidades de codificación
  • HTML5/CSS3
  • Oreja
  • Móvil primero
  • Tema 100% responsivo
  • Listo para retina
  • Fuentes de Google incluidas
  • Marcado XHTML y CSS válido
  • Cero conflictos de Javascript
  • Completamente documentado
  • Compatible con todos los principales navegadores
  • Compatible con SEO (optimización de motores de búsqueda)
  • Optimizado para un tiempo de carga rápido

Características principales:

  • Ajax: carrito, búsqueda, lista de deseos
  • Múltiples idiomas y monedas
  • Menú fijo
  • Arrastrar y soltar secciones
  • Reseñas de productos
  • Pancartas ilimitadas
  • Control deslizante de productos (productos destacados, nuevos, especiales y más vendidos) en la página de inicio
  • Menú desplegable del carrito en el encabezado
  • Vista rápida del producto
  • Cuenta regresiva de venta de producto
  • Desplazamiento de paralaje
  • Compatible con SEO
  • Control deslizante/cuadrícula del logotipo de la marca en la página de inicio
  • Ampliación del producto
  • Cuadrícula de productos + Vista de lista
  • Módulo de blogs
  • Breadcrumb atractivo con imagen de paralaje
  • Botón Desplazarse hacia arriba
  • Bloques de enlaces adicionales en el pie de página

Nota: El archivo del tema contiene las imágenes utilizadas en el tema que se pueden usar para configurar su demostración y que se pueden reemplazar con imágenes de su marca antes del lanzamiento. Los derechos reales de las imágenes pertenecen a los respectivos propietarios de las imágenes.

Lista de cambios

Version 2.6.1 Release Notes:

  • Free Shipping Estimation: Offer a seamless and transparent shopping experience with real-time free shipping estimates displayed in the shopping cart. This feature allows customers to quickly assess how close they are to qualifying for free shipping, encouraging larger purchases and reducing cart abandonment. By providing immediate feedback, you enhance the customer journey and promote informed purchasing decisions.


  • Language Support: We've introduced support for both Right-to-Left (RTL) and Left-to-Right (LTR) languages.
  • Newsletter Popup: The design of our newsletter popup has been revamped to provide a more enhanced user experience.
  • Cart Drawer Functionality: We've implemented a cart drawer feature to facilitate smoother interaction during shopping.
  • Mobile Media Image Option: A new option for mobile media images has been added to the main slider.
  • Theme Improvements: We've addressed various theme-related bugs and carried out refinements to enhance design.
  • Performance Optimization: General theme performance has been optimized to ensure better efficiency. Cookies Consent Redesign: The cookies consent feature has been redesigned for a more appealing appearance.
  • Homepage Bug Fixes: We've resolved bugs on the homepage to ensure smoother navigation and usability.
  • Swatches added to the product.
  • Services added to cart drawer. -Optimize theme CSS and JavaScript files for performance optimization.
  • Add new features such as product suggestions based on what others have liked.
  • Implement a new cart drawer design.
  • Integrate a live free shipping calculator for customers.


  • Major Mega-menu Update
  • Optimized overall theme performance.
  • Bug fixes and improvements.


  • Added support for Filters on the search page
  • Fixed an issue where currency was reflected wrongly on the Quickview for some customers.
  • Bug fixes and improvements.


  • Bug fixes and improvements.


  • Bug fixes and improvements.


  • Bug fixes and improvements.


  • Added support for Shopify Online Store 2.0 (Major Update!)
  • Lazy loading of the images
  • Performance Optimization & Speed boost.
  • Multicurrency and Multilanguage support.
  • Added Filter support for variants, price and product types.
  • Bug fixes and improvements.


  • Provided video support to the products.
  • Fixed SEO title issues
  • Fixed an issue with Quick view where images did not change on changing variant
  • Added a feature which allows you to skip tags in filters
  • Fixed issue with currency where $ remained static for few customers
  • Fixed an issue with swatches which allowed using only specific colors.
  • Fixed resize issue where menu did not appear when a window was resized to smaller device.


  • Bug fixes and improvements
  • Added updates from shopify


  • Initial Release

7 Reseñas de este producto

This template is amazing, I really recommend this!! For the starters is perfect
Firstly, loved the theme and every bit of it's functionality. But that's not the end of it, the implementation was super smooth! A big shout out to the developer and the entire team for excellent support and responsiveness. There were so many tweaks that I wanted for my store and the author was super helpful. I've done some 40 odd exchanges till date with them, not even once have they taken more than 24 hours to respond. Hats off to the team. Highly recommend them!
lindo de mais o melhor tema que ja vi. Ficou excelente na loja. Top
I like the designs, estructure, interactive, fast, ligth and the mobile results

0 Comentarios para este producto

Sobre autor

Guru Author

Customer Support

4,3 /5
Support rating (93 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 75 4 1 3 2 2 1 1 14
Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
