Šablony životopisu Mega Bundle

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shoppingBag Prodej: 48

Šablony životopisu Mega Bundle

Created: 12. 11. 2019

Updated: 18. 1. 2023

ID: 88988

1 Reviews for this product

Bundle is great, easy to update all necessary details, swap the pictures etc. With the bundle, I have obtained instruction file, but it is quite poor, could be more rich in certain areas - e.g. one of the templates has the icons for the interests, but if your interests don't match with the template ones, I have no clue where to go. But in general, I am very satisfied with the package and the value for money.

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O autorovi

HotShot Author


Související témata:

Papírnictví, Byznys a služby

Graphics Type:

Files Included: