Alternative Energy Website Templates – Go Green and Save The Planet

What I stand for is what I stand on.

Wendell Berry

Living in an era of high-tech progress, we have totally forgotten about nature and its importance to human beings. Despite the fact that tons of eco-friendly campaigns blast their slogans worldwide, people still interfere with the Earth by spoiling today’s world with harmful emissions. This trash causes not only major pollution all over the world, but also makes every living organism suffer. Therefore, today, we will discover how to go green with your business using Environmental WordPress Themes.

There are 4 common alternative energy sources: solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal. In fact, they do not consume fossil fuel, which is why we call them green. Solar Energy comes as one of the most powerful types of energy in the world. It can be passive or active and, for this reason, acts in various ways. This energy helps people to obtain light and heat. Moreover, not only do humans depend on this solar energy, but also the aquatic world, plants, animals, etc. Solar energy works as long as the sun exists and it doesn’t cause air or water pollution. However, we need tons of money to build good solar energy stations.

Types of Alternative Energy Business

Another great power source is Wind. It also causes no pollution and has been used by many generations. Wind energy was perfect for family needs, for farming, and for sailing ships as well. Moreover, it still helps us to reduce the oil & gas transfer from country to country worldwide. However, the wind is not steady and reliable, therefore it’s pretty hard to find a perfect place with strong wind currents for us to extract the most from this source.

wind image

Another source is Hydroelectric Power which needs the kinetic energy of moving water. This kinetic energy helps to provide the turbines with a natural source of power, which converts into electricity thanks to multiple generators. Hydroelectric stations appear in different versions and every type depends on the water flow rate. Hydroelectric power is eco-friendly and doesn’t cause any harmful effect. Furthermore, the water taken for the process is fully reusable. However, it is pretty expensive to build high-quality water dams, which means that poorly constructed ones can be a source of environmental damage.

There is also a Geothermal Energy. This type of green energy comes from beneath the earth. Being fully renewable, it doesn’t produce pollution and totally reduces expenses, just because no fuel is needed for extracting this energy from the ground. Despite that, geothermal energy source has some cons. First of all, incorrect drilling can release dangerous gases and minerals. Also, geothermal installations can run out of efficacy over time.

Alternative Energy Website Creation

So, if you own any kind of alternative energy business mentioned above, or just plan to start one, pay attention to its position and the quality of its presentation. These points will compel more people to stop torturing our planet. Today we have a lot of really captivating alternative energy website templates, which will definitely help you to make progress in this industry. All you need, if you want to stand out with your eco-friendly view of life, is just a professional-looking green energy website. To deal with your main question on how to build one, I would like to guide you through all the details right here and now.

First of all, think of the CMS on which you would like to base your future site. For example, have a look at the MotoCMS website builder. This system comes with a wide variety of tools to enable you to enjoy the process of building your website. Take your time and choose the right color palette for your website. Make sure when designing your website to create a nice green look with eco backgrounds. Take a look at the Greenpeace International website screenshot as an example.

You also need to decide on your site’s domain name. It should be clear and informative so that your site’s visitors can understand what your website stands for by clicking the link. If you need some extra help while choosing a good domain name, check out this curated tools directory.

Alternative Energy Website Templates

There is one more step you need to complete. I’m here to help you select perfect alternative energy website templates. This option allows you to choose a suitable design which incorporates advanced functionality and which will enable you to build your website without driving you nuts, and go live with it in no time at all. There are some brilliant examples, which will help you to gain status in this industry.

Solar Energy Premium Moto CMS 3 Template

Being truly magnificent on the surface, one of these alternative energy website templates is also very powerful inside, behind the scenes. It comes complete with a drag & drop website creator, so feel free to build your website according to your taste with no coding skills required. Customize tons of pre-made pages the way you like and use plenty of handy widgets to make the website stand out. Do you want to learn more about this green energy template? Hit the demo to discover!

Solar Energy Premium Moto CMS 3 Template

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Solar Energy Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template

This solar panel website template comes with a good-looking eco-friendly design. Therefore, you will definitely draw your visitors’ attention to the main purpose of your website. Here you get an extremely fast installation process with no bugs, step by step tutorials, tons of widgets, lifetime updates, and more!

Solar Energy Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template

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Solar Power Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template

Looking for the best alternative energy website templates for your business? Meet this fully responsive EMpower! This green energy website template comes with a powerful website creator. So, build the site of your dreams without touching a line of a code at all! This template allows you to customize the design of your site in the way you like and to spice it up with all types of content. It is just the perfect way for launching your profitable solar power website.

Solar Power Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template

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EcoLife Solar Energy Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template

Looking for the best alternative energy website templates? EcoLife should be your choice! It is a pleasant solar panel website template with a hassle-free installation process, an advanced drag & drop admin panel, a fully responsive design, and fantastic functionality! Here you get plenty of thrilling widgets that will help you to get the most out of your site. This solar energy template has tons of cool features to help you build a perfect website for your business!

EcoLife Solar Power Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template

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SolarNRG Solar Energy Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template

There are many cool alternative energy website templates from MotoCMS. So, meet SolarNRG in all its glory! It comes with a good-looking and easily customizable design, handy drag & drop editor, a huge variety of cool widgets, and more! This template also boasts a presets builder, which allows you to modify all the widgets according to your requirements. Multiple Google fonts, Parallax, Color Picker, and a diversity of other impeccable tools are waiting for you inside this template’s package!

SolarNRG Solar Energy Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template

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Need some more cool alternative energy templates? Take a close look at this solar energy MotoCMS template collection so you will definitely be able to make the right choice! Create stunning alternative energy websites and go green - just like a pro!

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Allison Reed

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